Friday, July 23, 2010


Sorry no posts lately. We really have not done much but spend time with family and stay indoors since it is in the 90's!!!!
We are going with the family to Hershey. PA next month....that should be fun and tiring!!!! A day at the Hershey's been a long time since we have spent the day at an amusement park!!!!
I am expecting to see my sweet cousin next week. He is traveling through the area on his way to the coast for his vacation and has promised to stop and say hi.
Need prayers for another cousin who is recovering from back surgery.
Should have photos next time!
God Bless you all
sharon and marvin

Friday, July 2, 2010

South Dakota

Custer State Park….

Lots of buffalo and burros and big horn sheep

Spearfish Canyon

Scenery, water falls,

Enjoy… we did. It was a wonderful couple of days driving around.


Sunday, June 27, 2010


Driving around Sheridan we saw some beautiful hills with the mountains as a backdrop.

Then we saw longhorn cattle....this is for the non Texans!!


In town they have a park with buffalo and elk. I tried to get a good shot of the rack. Notice the baby buffalo.

Tomorrow we are headed for Sturgis, South Dakota. We will be there a week before heading east.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ennis, Montana

Ennis is a beautiful spot....mountains all around and a quaint little town. The rv park is wonderful.

This is the view from our campsite. It is prettier when the sun shines on the moutains.

These are views from an overlook of the town of Ennis


We drove over to Virginia City and Nevada City....they are unique.

overview of Virginia City




4 graves ...all named Parish.


We leave tomorrow for another city....working our way to Sturgis, South Dakota to visit friends.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thanks Melody....thought I would give this a try.

Places we have stayed so far this year....

Corpus TX

South Padre Is
In 2008 we were there for the sand scuptures

Del Rio
Big Spring TX
Went to a rattle snake roundup..

Roswell NM

Ruidosa NM

Las Cruces NM

Silver City NM

Bisbee AZ

How would you like to climb these stairs with your groceries??? Some have to because there are no roads to their houses!!

This was a very large breakfast burrito! It lasted me 3 days.

Gila Bend AZ

Needles CA
Redding CA
Lodi CA
Cresent City CA...where we saw the redwoods

Coos Bay OR
Roseburg OR
Tillamook OR ..  Here they make good cheese

Hoquiam WA
Portland OR
Walla Walla WA
Wieser ID
Twin Falls ID
Fort Hall ID We are currently here for a couple of days....